The Adventuring Genealogist | |
The goal of GenTracer is to discover the personal history of our clients and their ancestors in the United States of America and back into their country (or countries) of origin.
Military records provide a lot of information about a person and his/her family. Depending on the time frame, they can contain names of family members, dates and locations of birth and death, residences previous and/or following their service, and the units in which they served. Sometimes even more information can be found in these records.
Here at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, we have access to the microfilmed copies of a variety of military and military related records. Please link through one of the wars listed above for more detailed listing of the military records available for that time period.
If you send the dates and places of birth, marriage, death or military service of your ancestors, we can send you a more specific research proposal.
We suggest a four-hour project so that we can maximize the communication between client and researcher. This time block also enables the client to change the direction of research to another branch of the family as directed by interest or new information.
A four-hour project ($300) in the records usually yields information from several record sources and can extend a family line a generation or two. The project includes research log, pedigree chart, family group sheets, copies of documents, and an analysis of the information found.
Rates are payable in advance. Check or money order can be sent to GenTracer, PO Box 11955, Salt Lake City, UT 84147.
Or, you can use PayPal to send payment to
If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask
through the email link below. I look forward to hearing from you.
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© Christine Saffell 2020